Current Action Items
Join us in making a difference by supporting our current Action Items aimed at creating a better Lubbock for everyone.
At Lubbock Citizens for Change, we believe in the power of community in action.
Our Action Items are crucial steps towards achieving a more transparent and accountable local government.
Each action item represents a significant opportunity to address pressing issues and improve the quality of life for all Lubbock residents. By supporting these initiatives, you are helping to create a city that truly reflects the needs and desires of its citizens. By joining you will be signing up to receive information about the actions that LCC is taking to build a network of citizens willing to make their voice heard.
Current Action Items

Finding Common Ground for a Better City
We are calling on Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike to set aside party labels and work together for the good of our city. Through open discussions, we will identify common ground issues that impact all of us and organize efforts to turn those ideas into action.
With your help we can learn about what really matters to your community and help bridge the gap to progress.

Action for Change in Law for Animal Issues
This action advocates for the reduction of wasteful spending within the city, proposing the reallocation of these funds towards the enhancement of animal control measures and the revision of existing laws to effectively address the issues of stray dogs, dangerous dogs, and stricter regulation on backyard breeders. The action we are taking further recommends the hiring of additional enforcement officers and the imposition of fines on violators as a means of generating revenue to support the program. This approach aims to ensure the city can efficiently manage and mitigate the problems associated with stray animals and unregulated breeding practices.